Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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"I can listen to nothing till you tell me how Nell is," interrupted Jack Ryan.
"Nell is all right, Jack--so much so, in fact, that I hope in a month or six weeks--"
"To marry her, Harry?"
"Jack, you don't know what you are talking about!"
"Ah, that's very likely; but I know quite well what I shall do."
"What will you do?"
"Marry her myself, if you don't; so look sharp," laughed Jack. "By Saint Mungo! I think an immense deal of bonny Nell! A fine young creature like that, who has been brought up in the mine, is just the very wife for a miner. She is an orphan--so am I; and if you don't care much for her, and if she will have me--"
Harry looked gravely at Jack, and let him talk on without trying to stop him. "Don't you begin to feel jealous, Harry?" asked Jack in a more serious tone.
"Not at all," answered Harry quietly.
"But if you don't marry Nell yourself, you surely can't expect her to remain a spinster?"
"I expect nothing," said Harry.
A movement of the ladder machinery now gave the two friends the opportunity--one to go up, the other down the shaft. However, they remained where they were.
"Harry," quoth Jack, "do you think I spoke in earnest just now about Nell?"
"No, that I don't, Jack."
"Well, but now I will!"
"You? speak in earnest?"
"My good fellow, I can tell you I am quite capable of giving a friend a bit of advice."
"Let's hear, then, Jack!"
"Well, look here! You love Nell as heartily as she deserves. Old Simon, your father, and old Madge, your mother, both love her as if she were their daughter. Why don't you make her so in reality? Why don't you marry her?"
"Come, Jack," said Harry, "you are running on as if you knew how Nell felt on the subject."
"Everybody knows that," replied Jack, "and therefore it is impossible to make you jealous of any of us. But here goes the ladder again--I'm off!"
"Stop a minute, Jack!" cried Harry, detaining his companion, who was stepping onto the moving staircase.
"I say! you seem to mean me to take up my quarters here altogether!"
"Do be serious and listen, Jack! I want to speak in earnest myself now."
"Well, I'll listen till the ladder moves again, not a minute longer."
"Jack," resumed Harry, "I need not pretend that I do not love Nell; I wish above all things to make her my wife."

"That's all right!"
"But for the present I have scruples of conscience as to asking her to make me a promise which would be irrevocable."
"What can you mean, Harry?"
"I mean just this--that, it being certain Nell has never been outside this coal mine in the very depths of which she was born, it stands to reason that she knows nothing, and can comprehend nothing of what exists beyond it. Her eyes--yes, and perhaps also her heart--have everything yet to learn. Who can tell what her thoughts will be, when perfectly new impressions shall be made upon her mind? As yet she knows nothing of the world, and to me it would seem like deceiving her, if I led her to decide in ignorance, upon choosing to remain all her life in the coal mine. Do you understand me, Jack?"
"Hem!--yes--pretty well. What I understand best is that you are going to make me miss another turn of the ladder."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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By this time they came within sight of the landing where they had left the boat, and Pepper, who had run on ahead, suddenly raised such an outcry that the others rushed forward in alarm.
"What is the matter?" shouted Rand.
"The b-boat," stammered Pepper.
"What is the matter with it?" asked Donald.
"It's g-g-gone!"
"Gone! where?" demanded Jack.
"How should I know?" replied Pepper. "All I know is that it is gone."
Sure enough, there was no boat to be seen.
Chapter 9 The Pursuit
"It must have drifted away," said Rand.
"Sure of that?" asked Jack.
"I knew it!" suddenly broke in Pepper.
"Then why didn't you tell us," demanded Rand. "What did you know?"
"Monkey Rae," replied Pepper.
"Well, what about him?" cried Jack.
"He has taken the boat," answered Pepper.
"How do you know?" questioned Donald.
"There is his track on the sand."
"He is certainly very much in evidence," said the colonel.
"I wish I could get hold of him once," cried Rand vindictively.
"I'd much prefer to get hold of the boat just now," put in Donald.
"There is certainly something queer going on here," observed Jack.
"More mysteries, Jack?" asked Rand.
"Yes," answered Jack. "That man is mixed up in this, too."
"What man?" asked Rand.
"The man with the limp," replied Jack.
"Where is he?"
"He was here, and I believe he went off in the boat," went on Jack. "You can see his tracks around here."
"Jack is right," confirmed the colonel, "the man has undoubtedly gone off with the boat."
"Hem," said Pepper, "there doesn't seem to be anything safe here.
"What are we going to do now?" asked Rand.
"Walk home, I guess," said Donald. "I don't know how else we will get there."
"There they go now!" cried Jack, suddenly pointing to their boat near the other side of the river. "Oh, if we only had a boat to follow them in."
"I have one," said the colonel. "We can take that. Come on, boys!"
Starting off at a pace that kept the four youths on a run to keep up with him, the colonel led the way back to the house. Just before coming to it he stopped.
"Take that path to the left, it leads down to the landing," he directed. "Get the boat you will find there ready, and I will be with you in a minute."
"Are you going with us?" asked Rand.
"Do you think I am going to be left out of this?" returned the colonel. "Not for a minute!"
Following the colonel's directions, the boys went down to the landing where they found the Scout, a 25-foot cat-boat, moored. Jumping on board they made ready to cast her loose, took the stops off the sail and had it partly hoisted when the colonel came along bringing with him a gun.
"Are you going to shoot them?" asked Pepper.
"I hope not," replied the colonel, "but it is just as well to be prepared for all emergencies. You are first-rate sailors," he added, stepping on board. "Cast her off and up with the sail."
"How is that?" called Rand.
"A little more on the peak; that's it, now pull it home and make fast."
During this time the boat had drifted away from the landing and now, as the wind filled the sail she glided out into the river, running free.

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Much must be allowed for an inflammation in the eyes, and something for a rheumatic fever; yet it may seem strange that Lady Clonbrony should be so blind and deaf as neither to see nor hear all this time; that having lived so long in the world, it should never occur to her that it was rather imprudent to have a young lady, not eighteen, nursing her — and such a young lady!— when her son, not one-and-twenty — and such a son!— came to visit her daily. But, so it was, Lady Clonbrony knew nothing of love — she had read of it, indeed, in novels, which sometimes for fashion’s sake she had looked at, and over which she had been obliged to dose; but this was only love in books — love in real life she had never met with — in the life she led, how should she? She had heard of its making young people, and old people even, do foolish things; but those were foolish people; and if they were worse than foolish, why it was shocking, and nobody visited them. But Lady Clonbrony had not, for her own part, the slightest notion how people could be brought to this pass, nor how any body out of Bedlam could prefer, to a good house, a decent equipage, and a proper establishment, what is called love in a cottage. As to Colambre, she had too good an opinion of his understanding — to say nothing of his duty to his family, his pride, his rank, and his being her son — to let such an idea cross her imagination. As to her niece; in the first place, she was her niece, and first cousins should never marry, because they form no new connexions to strengthen the family interest, or raise its consequence. This doctrine her ladyship had repeated for years so often and so dogmatically, that she conceived it to be incontrovertible, and of as full force as any law of the land, or as any moral or religious obligation. She would as soon have suspected her niece of an intention of stealing her diamond necklace as of purloining Colambre’s heart, or marrying this heir of the house of Clonbrony.
Miss Nugent was so well apprized, and so thoroughly convinced of all this, that she never for one moment allowed herself to think of Lord Colambre as a lover. Duty, honour, and gratitude — gratitude, the strong feeling and principle of her mind — forbade it; she had so prepared and accustomed herself to consider him as a person with whom she could not possibly be united, that, with perfect ease and simplicity, she behaved towards him exactly as if he were her brother — not in the equivocating sentimental romance style in which ladies talk of treating men as their brothers, whom they are all the time secretly thinking of and endeavouring to please as lovers — not using this phrase, as a convenient pretence, a safe mode of securing herself from suspicion or scandal, and of enjoying the advantages of confidence and the intimacy of friendship, till the propitious moment, when it should be time to declare or avow the secret of the heart. No: this young lady was quite above all double dealing; she had no mental reservation — no metaphysical subtleties — but, with plain, unsophisticated morality, in good faith and simple truth, acted as she professed, thought what she said, and was that which she seemed to be.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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It was 8 o’clock in the evening. The hall, the parlors, and all quarters occupied by the Gun Club blazed with lights which the Edison electroliers throw out. As soon as the doors were thrown open for the public a terrible crowd jammed into the hall. But everyone became silent as the ushers announced that the Council of Administration was coming. There, on a draped platform, with a table covered with black cloth, in full sight, President Barbicane, his Secretary, J.T. Maston, and his associates, took their places. A triple round of cheers, followed by hearty “tigers,” rang through the hall and out to the adjoining streets. Very solemnly Mr. Maston and Capt. Nicholl took their seats. Then the President, who had remained standing, opened the proceedings. He put his right hand in his trouser’s pocket and his left hand in his vest front and began as follows:
“Lady and gentlemen subscribers, the Council of Administration has called a meeting in these headquarters of the Gun Club to make an important communication to you. You have learned by the circulars and through the discussions in the papers that the object of our Club is to explore the large coal fields situated in the Arctic regions, which we have recently purchased and to which we hold a title from the American Government. The amount of money raised by public subscription will be used for these purposes. The success which will be attained by it surpasses belief and the dividends your money will bring you will be unsurpassed in the commercial or financial history of this or any other country.” Here applause was heard for the first time and for a moment the orator was interrupted. “You do not forget,” said he, “how we have proved to you that there must be vast coal fields in these regions, perhaps also fields of fossil ivory. The articles published on this subject do not allow any doubt that coal fields are there, and coal is now, you know, the basis of all our commercial industry. Without mentioning the coal which is used every year in firing and heating, we might think of coal used for many other purposes, of which I could mention a hundred different ones. It is certain that coal is the most precious substance, and will some day, on account of the large consumption of it; fail in its supply. Before 500 years have passed the coal mines which are at present in use will have stopped giving coal.”
“Three hundred years,” cried one of those present. “Two hundred years,” answered another.
“Let us say at some time sooner or later,” continued the President, calmly, “and let us suppose, too, that we will even discover new coal fields yet, whose coal will give out, say at the end of the nineteenth century.” Here he stopped to give his listeners a chance to grasp the idea. Then he began again: “Therefore, we come here, subscribers, and I ask you to rise and go with me to the North Pole immediately.” Everybody present got up and seemed about to rush away and pack their trunks, as if President Barbicane had a vessel ready to take them direct to the North Pole. But a remark made by Major Donellan in a clear and loud voice brought them back to reality and stopped them at once. “Before starting” he asked, “I would like to know by what means we can reach the North Pole?”

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The crowning abnormality, of course, was the condition of the bodies — men and dogs alike. They had all been in some terrible kind of conflict, and were torn and mangled in fiendish and altogether inexplicable ways. Death, so far as we could judge, had in each case come from strangulation or laceration. The dogs had evidently started the trouble, for the state of their ill-built corral bore witness to its forcible breakage from within. It had been set some distance from the camp because of the hatred of the animals for those hellish Archaean organisms, but the precaution seemed to have been taken in vain. When left alone in that monstrous wind, behind flimsy walls of insufficient height, they must have stampeded — whether from the wind itself, or from some subtle, increasing odor emitted by the nightmare specimens, one could not say.
But whatever had happened, it was hideous and revolting enough. Perhaps I had better put squeamishness aside and tell the worst at last — though with a categorical statement of opinion, based on the first-hand observations and most rigid deductions of both Danforth and myself, that the then missing Gedney was in no way responsible for the loathsome horrors we found. I have said that the bodies were frightfully mangled. Now I must add that some were incised and subtracted from in the most curious, cold-blooded, and inhuman fashion. It was the same with dogs and men. All the healthier, fatter bodies, quadrupedal or bipedal, had had their most solid masses of tissue cut out and removed, as by a careful butcher; and around them was a strange sprinkling of salt — taken from the ravaged provision chests on the planes — which conjured up the most horrible associations. The thing had occurred in one of the crude aeroplane shelters from which the plane had been dragged out, and subsequent winds had effaced all tracks which could have supplied any plausible theory. Scattered bits of clothing, roughly slashed from the human incision subjects, hinted no clues. It is useless to bring up the half impression of certain faint snow prints in one shielded corner of the ruined inclosure — because that impression did not concern human prints at all, but was clearly mixed up with all the talk of fossil prints which poor Lake had been giving throughout the preceding weeks. One had to be careful of one’s imagination in the lee of those overshadowing mountains of madness.
As I have indicated, Gedney and one dog turned out to be missing in the end. When we came on that terrible shelter we had missed two dogs and two men; but the fairly unharmed dissecting tent, which we entered after investigating the monstrous graves, had something to reveal. It was not as Lake had left it, for the covered parts of the primal monstrosity had been removed from the improvised table. Indeed, we had already realized that one of the six imperfect and insanely buried things we had found — the one with the trace of a peculiarly hateful odor — must represent the collected sections of the entity which Lake had tried to analyze. On and around that laboratory table were strewn other things, and it did not take long for us to guess that those things were the carefully though oddly and inexpertly dissected parts of one man and one dog. I shall spare the feelings of survivors by omitting mention of the man’s identity. Lake’s anatomical instruments were missing, but there were evidences of their careful cleansing. The gasoline stove was also gone, though around it we found a curious litter of matches. We buried the human parts beside the other ten men; and the canine parts with the other thirty-five dogs. Concerning the bizarre smudges on the laboratory table, and on the jumble of roughly handled illustrated books scattered near it, we were much too bewildered to speculate.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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There was nothing for it but to comply; and somewhat sulkily I followed him up the narrow path, between clumps of sweetwilliam and Scotch pinks. It was a tiny garden patch, and a few steps brought us to the door of a low-studded cottage in a gap of the hanging woods. It was useless to notify Meredith in advance when one went to see him; he had long since been immobilized by illness, and was always there, and always, apparently, delighted to receive his old friends. The maid who announced us at once returned to say that we were to come in, and we were shown into a very small low-ceilinged room, so small and so low that it seemed crowded though there were only four people in it. The four were the great man himself, white of head and beard, and statuesquely throned in a Bath chair; his daughter, the handsome Mrs. Henry Sturgis (wife of Howard’s eldest brother), another man who seemed to me larger than life, perhaps on account of the exiguity of the room, and who turned out to be Mr. Morley Roberts — and lastly a trained nurse, calmly eating her supper at a table only a foot or two from her patient’s chair.
It was the nurse’s presence — and the way she went on steadily eating and drinking — that I found most disconcerting. The house was very small indeed; but was it really so small that there was not a corner of it in which she could have been fed, instead of consuming her evening repast under our eyes and noses? I have always wondered, and n
Chapter 11
A year or two after the publication of “The House of Mirth” my husband and I decided to exchange our little house in New York for a flat in Paris. My husband suffered increasingly from the harsh winds and sudden changes of temperature of the New York winter, and latterly we had spent the cold months in rather aimless drifting on the French and the Italian Rivieras. Alassio, San Remo, Bordighera, Menton, Monte Carlo, Cannes; we knew them all to satiety, and in none could I hope to find the kind of human communion I cared for. In none, that is, but Hyeres, where we had begun to go nearly every year since the Paul Bourgets had acquired there a little peach-coloured villa above the peach-orchards of Costebelle. But even the companionship of these friends could not fill the emptiness of life in a Riviera hotel. A house and garden of my own, anywhere on the coast between Marseilles and Frejus, would have made me happy; since that could not be, my preference was for a flat in Paris, where I could see people who shared my tastes, and whence it was easy to go south for sunshine when the weather grew too damp for my husband. On this, therefore, we decided in 1907, thereafter spending our winters in Paris, and going back to the Mount every summer. For two years we occupied an apartment sublet to us by American friends, in a stately Louis XIV hotel of the rue de Varenne; then we hired a flat in a modern house in the same street, and there I remained till 1920, so that my thirteen years of Paris life were spent entirely in the rue de Varenne; and all those years rise up to meet me whenever I turn the corner of the street. Rich years, crowded and happy years; for though I should have preferred London, I should have been hard to please had I not discovered many compensations in my life in Paris.

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Rain the night previous had left the streets muddy and the air cool and crisp, but the sun creeping through the mistiness of early morning, fell upon us with most gratifying warmth. Wrapping our knees with rugs the ‘ricksha men started off in a lively trot to the Pacific Mail and O. and O. Companies’ office, where I met discourteous people for the first time since I left the P. & O. “Victoria.” And these were Americans, too. The most generous excuse that can be offered for them is that they have held their positions so long that they feel they are masters, instead of a steamship company’s servants. A man going into the office to buy a ticket to America, was answered in the following manner by one of the head men:
“You’ll have to come back later if you want a ticket. I’m going to lunch now.”
I stayed at the Grand Hotel while in Japan. It is a large building, with long verandas, wide halls and airy rooms, commanding an exquisite view of the lake in front. Barring an enormous and monotonous collection of rats, the Grand would be considered a good hotel even in America. The food is splendid and the service excellent. The “Japs,” noiseless, swift, anxious to please, stand at the head of all the servants I encountered from New York to New York; and then they look so neat in their blue tights and white linen jackets.
I always have an inclination to laugh when I look at the Japanese men in their native dress. Their legs are small and their trousers are skin tight. The upper garment, with its great wide sleeves, is as loose as the lower is tight. When they finish their “get up” by placing their dish-pan shaped hat upon their heads, the wonder grows how such small legs can carry it all! Stick two straws in one end of a potato, a mushroom in the other, set it up on the straws and you have a Japanese in outline. Talk about French heels! The Japanese sandal is a small board elevated on two pieces of thin wood fully five inches in height. They make the people look exactly as if they were on stilts. These queer shoes are fastened to the foot by a single strap running between toes number one and two, the wearer when walking necessarily maintaining a sliding instead of an up and down movement, in order to keep the shoe on.
On a cold day one would imagine the Japanese were a nation of armless people. They fold their arms up in their long, loose sleeves. A Japanese woman’s sleeves are to her what a boy’s pockets are to him. Her cards, money, combs, hair pins, ornaments and rice paper are carried in her sleeves. Her rice paper is her handkerchief, and she notes with horror and disgust that after using we return our handkerchiefs to our pockets. I think the Japanese women carry everything in their sleeves, even their hearts. Not that they are fickle-none are more true, more devoted, more loyal, more constant, than Japanese women-but they are so guileless and artless that almost any one, if opportunity offers, can pick at their trusting hearts.
If I loved and married, I would say to my mate: “Come, I know where Eden is,” and like Edwin Arnold, desert the land of my birth for Japan, the land of love-beauty-poetry-cleanliness. I somehow always connected Japan and its people with China and its people, believing the one no improvement on the other. I could not have made a greater mistake. Japan is beautiful. Its women are charmingly sweet. I know little about the men except that they do not go far as we judge manly beauty, being undersized, dark, and far from prepossessing. They have the reputation of being extremely clever, so I do not speak of them as a whole, only of those I came in contact with. I saw one, a giant in frame, a god in features; but he was a public wrestler.

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For this place could be no ordinary city. It must have formed the primary nucleus and center of some archaic and unbelievable chapter of earth’s history whose outward ramifications, recalled only dimly in the most obscure and distorted myths, had vanished utterly amidst the chaos of terrene convulsions long before any human race we know had shambled out of apedom. Here sprawled a Palaeogaean megalopolis compared with which the fabled Atlantis and Lemuria, Commoriom and Uzuldaroum, and Olathoc in the land of Lomar, are recent things of today — not even of yesterday; a megalopolis ranking with such whispered prehuman blasphemies as Valusia, R’lyeh, Ib in the land of Mnar, and the Nameless city of Arabia Deserta. As we flew above that tangle of stark titan towers my imagination sometimes escaped all bounds and roved aimlessly in realms of fantastic associations — even weaving links betwixt this lost world and some of my own wildest dreams concerning the mad horror at the camp.
The plane’s fuel tank, in the interest of greater lightness, had been only partly filled; hence we now had to exert caution in our explorations. Even so, however, we covered an enormous extent of ground — or, rather, air — after swooping down to a level where the wind became virtually negligible. There seemed to be no limit to the mountain range, or to the length of the frightful stone city which bordered its inner foothills. Fifty miles of flight in each direction showed no major change in the labyrinth of rock and masonry that clawed up corpselike through the eternal ice. There were, though, some highly absorbing diversifications; such as the carvings on the canyon where that broad river had once pierced the foothills and approached its sinking place in the great range. The headlands at the stream’s entrance had been boldly carved into Cyclopean pylons; and something about the ridgy, barrel-shaped designs stirred up oddly vague, hateful, and confusing semi-remembrances in both Danforth and me.
We also came upon several star-shaped open spaces, evidently public squares, and noted various undulations in the terrain. Where a sharp hill rose, it was generally hollowed out into some sort of rambling-stone edifice; but there were at least two exceptions. Of these latter, one was too badly weathered to disclose what had been on the jutting eminence, while the other still bore a fantastic conical monument carved out of the solid rock and roughly resembling such things as the well-known Snake Tomb in the ancient valley of Petra.
Flying inland from the mountains, we discovered that the city was not of infinite width, even though its length along the foothills seemed endless. After about thirty miles the grotesque stone buildings began to thin out, and in ten more miles we came to an unbroken waste virtually without signs of sentient artifice. The course of the river beyond the city seemed marked by a broad, depressed line, while the land assumed a somewhat greater ruggedness, seeming to slope slightly upward as it receded in the mist-hazed west.
So far we had made no landing, yet to leave the plateau without an attempt at entering some of the monstrous structures would have been inconceivable. Accordingly, we decided to find a smooth place on the foothills near our navigable pass, there grounding the plane and preparing to do some exploration on foot. Though these gradual slopes were partly covered with a scattering of ruins, low flying soon disclosed an ampler number of possible landing places. Selecting that nearest to the pass, since our flight would be across the great range and back to camp, we succeeded about 12:30 P.M. in effecting a landing on a smooth, hard snow field wholly devoid of obstacles and well adapted to a swift and favorable take-off later on.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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In preparing to compose a fiction founded on history, the writer of these pages thought it no necessary requisite of such a work that the principal characters appearing in it should be drawn from the historical personages of the period. On the contrary, he felt that some very weighty objections attached to this plan of composition. He knew well that it obliged a writer to add largely from invention to what was actually known — to fill in with the colouring of romantic fancy the bare outline of historic fact — and thus to place the novelist’s fiction in what he could not but consider most unfavourable contrast to the historian’s truth. He was further by no means convinced that any story in which historical characters supplied the main agents, could be preserved in its fit unity of design and restrained within its due limits of development, without some falsification or confusion of historical dates — a species of poetical licence of which he felt no disposition to avail himself, as it was his main anxiety to make his plot invariably arise and proceed out of the great events of the era exactly in the order in which they occurred.
Influenced, therefore, by these considerations, he thought that by forming all his principal characters from imagination, he should be able to mould them as he pleased to the main necessities of the story; to display them, without any impropriety, as influenced in whatever manner appeared most strikingly interesting by its minor incidents; and further, to make them, on all occasions, without trammel or hindrance, the practical exponents of the spirit of the age, of all the various historical illustrations of the period, which the Author’s researches among conflicting but equally important authorities had enabled him to garner up, while, at the same time, the appearance of verisimilitude necessary to an historical romance might, he imagined, be successfully preserved by the occasional introduction of the living characters of the era, in those portions of the plot comprising events with which they had been remarkably connected.
On this plan the recent work has been produced.
To the fictitious characters alone is committed the task of representing the spirit of the age. The Roman emperor, Honorius, and the Gothic king, Alaric, mix but little personally in the business of the story — only appearing in such events, and acting under such circumstances, as the records of history strictly authorise; but exact truth in respect to time, place, and circumstance is observed in every historical event introduced in the plot, from the period of the march of the Gothic invaders over the Alps to the close of the first barbarian blockade of Rome.
Chapter 1 Goisvintha
The mountains forming the range of Alps which border on the north-eastern confines of Italy, were, in the autumn of the year 408, already furrowed in numerous directions by the tracks of the invading forces of those northern nations generally comprised under the appellation of Goths.
In some places these tracks were denoted on either side by fallen trees, and occasionally assumed, when half obliterated by the ravages of storms, the appearance of desolate and irregular marshes. In other places they were less palpable. Here, the temporary path was entirely hidden by the incursions of a swollen torrent; there, it was faintly perceptible in occasional patches of soft ground, or partly traceable by fragments of abandoned armour, skeletons of horses and men, and remnants of the rude bridges which had once served for passage across a river or transit over a precipice.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton Tray-Based Teeth Whitening Extending Professional抯 Touch Out of curiosity

Tray-Based Teeth Whitening: Extending Professional抯 Touch

Out of curiosity, have you ever asked the question why teeth get dark? Or have you even pondered on the possible answers to this simple query?

Tooth discoloration should not be taken lightly though the case should really lighten to brighten up a smile.

There are many reasons why teeth get stained. The most typical reasons vary from factors written below:

1. heredity
2. consumption of staining substances (such as tea, coffee, and colas)
3. excessive fluoride and use of abrasives (which only expose dentin and causes severe discoloration)*
4. tetracycline (antibiotic) staining
5. old fillings
6. aging

Toothpastes that have whitening agents can minimize the stain that is on the surface of the teeth. The case is also coined by dentists as extrinsic staining. However, professional dental cleanings and whitening toothpastes will not change the intrinsic staining of the teeth, if used appropriately. This is the main reason why tooth bleaching or tooth whitening is so popular.

Normally, teeth whitening remedies are categorized into two:

1. Professional whitening systems

This is usually performed by dentists using whitening gels and lasers to activate the solution. This is normally done inside a dental clinic.

2. Home-based teeth whitening remedy

This could either be done in-between appointments of professional treatments using whitening kits and tray-based whitening techniques or are just home-made remedies from kitchen and medicine items. These applications are usually done at home and according to the frequency suggested by dentists and/or by a product抯 instructions.

Just how is tray-based teeth whitening technique employed to the patient? Read on the following four-step procedure:

1. A whitening gel is poured all over a tray that just fits over the teeth of the patient.
2. The active ingredient inside the gel, carbamide peroxide will be broken down sp that oxygen can enter the enamel to bleach the discolored areas.
3. By this, the physical structure of each tooth is not actually transformed. Crowns, fillings, and Bonding will not lighten but the colored substances will.
4. Casts or impressions of the tray are customized by dentists. The accuracy of the trays is critical to the treatment

Below are follow-up questions most patients are curious about tray teeth whitening method.

How safe is the method?

Most dentists agree that tray bleaching or whitening is relatively safe, fast, provides easy ways to lighten teeth between two and five shades in a matter of few days.

How is this different from other professional whitening systems?

Below is a list of some professional whitening products dentists in choosing items for their professional whitening system. The kind of bleaching laser or light is enclosed in parentheses.

1. BriteSmile (gas plasma light/light emitting diode)
2. LaserSmile (a Biolase laser)
3. LumaArch (halogen light)
4. Rembrandt Sapphire (plasma arc light)
5. Zoom! (metal halide light)

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Firewood Racks are enclosures where cut firewood longs can be stored for use in fireplace. Firewood rack helps to stack the firewood logs properly and the stacked firewood slowly gets dry. The firewood rack must be elevated and has protection from dew and rain. Firewood may be attached by termites or ants and needs good firewood rack to protect. The firewood rack must be set at a distance from home so that it prevents insects and snakes entering home. Firewood may be stacked in racks that allow air circulation and seasoning of firewood during the course of time. Firewood racks helps to keep the seasoned firewood or unseasoned firewood off the ground. When firewood stored on the good takes long time to cure. Portable racks are also available which has wheels so that the firewood logs can be moved to any place.

Top of the firewood racks must be covered properly with heavy-duty vinyl covers to protect the firewood and make available ready to burn. Firewood racks made up of steel is widely used and they also fitted with wheels to make it mobile. Firewood racks which can hold 3/4 of a cord or 1/8 of a cord are readily available in the market. Copper firewood racks to store firewood logs with hooks to hold tools for cutting firewood logs into smaller pieces are also available. Firewood racks come out in different sizes and shapes. Firewood rack is an essential accessory in the fireplace as it is the primary source of heat. Firewood racks crafted with nice shelters and with perfect size constructed with heavy duty steel with machine welded joints and zinc finish are resistant from moisture, rain or sun light. They serve for many years as an outdoor or garden accessory. Firewood racks with user friendly devices such as easily adjustable in height and length are more useful to hold smaller logs and larger logs. Fire wood rack covers should have the facility of assembling and disassembling so that it can serve both winter and summer seasons. Loading and unloading of firewood logs must be taken care of while buying firewood racks. Firewood racks ranging from 3 feet to 12 feet are used for storing small quantity to large number of firewood longs. Firewood racks with power coat finish, arc welded, with heavy duty cover and of course structural warranty brings confidence among customers and make use of the same.

Firewood Racks are designed to store firewood in an organized way. Firewood racks are designed for interior or kitchen use also. Outdoor firewood racks may be simple and does not require much design or fancy. However, indoor firewood racks must have nice design and luxury. Different materials are used to make firewood racks ranging from metals, acrylic or wood. Animal themes are also used to decorate indoor or outdoor firewood racks. Hundreds of firewood logs can be stored in big firewood racks for several seasons. White cedar wood made firewood racks look natural and is rust resistant and durable. Firewood racks are highly functional and provide charm to the home.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton Male Menopause How Treatments Work Menopause is what women experience when th

Male Menopause: How Treatments Work

Menopause is what women experience when they reach a certain age where their bodies stop producing hormones. It is a point where women will no longer be able to reproduce and it is also a point where their lives will change.

However, it is also a fact that males also experience this kind of condition. It has been found that men will also experience the so-called male menopause when they reach a certain age. But unlike women where they stop producing hormones instantly, men experience a decline in production of hormones.

Sometimes, male menopause is also called the mid-life crisis where male hormone levels drop that often results to depression, anxiety, and decline of interest in sex. As a male, you have to prepare to face this condition because when you reach a certain age (usually at late 50's to early 60's), you will also experience this condition.

First of all, you need to be able to identify the signs and symptoms of male menopause. Usually, the symptoms are very much like what a female experiences when they go through menopause. It will include depression, irritability, sadness, low interest in sex, anxiety, hot flashes, sweating, erectile dysfunction, concentration problems, and memory problems.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by other conditions, such as a disease. However, the low testosterone level can also contribute to this condition.

If you suspect that you are going through male menopause, it is recommended that you should consult your doctor about it first before jumping into a conclusion and getting treated for it. The doctor will conduct a series of tests to confirm that you are really going through male menopause. To do this, the doctor will test your testosterone level and also your symptoms. If it is indeed male menopause, the doctor can recommend treatments to ease the symptoms.

Today, there are already treatments for male menopause where it can make it easier for you to cope up with the condition. It will not necessarily mean that it can treat the condition, but you have to consider that the treatment's aim for male menopause, like female menopause, is to lessen the symptoms.

There is hormone replacement therapy for men who have low testosterone level. This treatment can help you lessen the symptoms associated with male menopause. This treatment is called testosterone replacement therapy. With this treatment, you can lessen the effects of male menopause and can definitely help you go through it.

In fact, this therapy has been found effective. It gradually increased the muscle mass, the mental functioning, bone density and it also enabled men to get interested in sex again.

However, testosterone replacement therapy should only be done with close supervision of a professional. Too much of testosterone injected in your body can produce unwanted side effects. The professional will be able to adjust the doses in accordance with the effects you experience during your first testosterone replacement therapy.

In time and also after a few sessions, the professional will be able to know the correct dosage for you.

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A Closer Look at Digital Photography

Digital technology has been a prevailing factor why people can now have the ease of access in almost anything they do. Many significant inventions were developed to make it easier for people to finish whatever their jobs require. One concrete proof of this remarkable breakthrough is the digital photography, which implies greater ease and comfort in taking pictures of any kind.

What digital photography means? Digital photography connotes different things depending on how the people interpret it. Some people perceive digital photography as something which converts a traditional photo into digital format by simply using a scanner. Others interpret it as something that is done by means of a traditional picture taken from film and digitize it through the computer. While others see it as something captured digitally by means of a digital camera.

Well generally speaking, digital photography is a type of photography that does not require film. This is the basic concept of digital photo capture. And this is good news for the people because there�s no need to wait for the picture in order for it to be printed. Once you take pictures using a digital camera, the shot goes quickly from the camera and then transferred to the computer. In that instant you can see your snapshot in the monitor and you can even preview the image and check if the image quality is good and the color is accurate. If you don�t like the result of the shot, you can just delete the image and have your photo shoot again. Very simple, isn�t it?

Because of the great features of digital photography, many people now are considering buying a digital camera. Why are there so many people turning to digital photos? It�s simply because digital photos allows you to use your imagination. You can modify the look and feel of the image without much effort. You can change the background or add a text to the picture to make it more personalized. Whatever it is that you want for your photo, you can have it when it�s digitally captured.

Digital cameras allow you to fix the image quality of your photographs. You can edit, enhance or restore your photo according to your taste. All these can be done in real time.

Now the question is how digital photography can fix the image quality of a certain photo. To ensure that your photo gets the best image quality, you need to check the setting of your digital camera before you press on that click button. If the image is already in your computer, you can check the screen of the computer to verify if it your snapshot is in the highest image quality.

Fixing the image quality of a digital photograph usually involves several elements such as the colors and the contrast. The contrast is very important if you really want to get the best result in your snapshots. If you want to add life to your photos, you can improve the image quality by adjusting its colors. There are lots of things that digital photography offers to make sure that your pictures will come out attractive.

By and large, there is still more to discover about the digital aspect of photography. Some of the issues being deliberated are concerned with the image quality, cost of production, the features of digital camera and other amenities. These issues are taken into account to make the world of photography more accessible to the people.

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will pick up a telephone and call a recorded message. this is
particularly true of newspaper readers.

So what must you do to get started in this exciting and highly
profitable business! Well, let me give you the necessary steps
that you must take to put this information into action.

(1) Create/or locate a product or service that is highly in
demand by a large group of people.

(2) Write a classified ad and sales message (almost like a
commercial) to sell the product or service. record the sales
message onto a simple answering machine.

(3) Place your classified ad in a newspaper that offers the
cheapest rates (usually a very small paper or Pennysaver, etc)
and put the phone number that is being used by the answering
machine that has your recorded script on it in the advertisement.

(4) Your customer will see your ad, call your number, listen to
your sales message and order.



louis vuitoon The MySpace Phenomenon These days it seems like anyone who is anyone is on MySpace

The MySpace Phenomenon

These days it seems like anyone who is anyone is on MySpace. In a short time MySpace has literally exploded from just a few members to millions of members around the world. This astounding phenomenon has made MySpace one of the most popular websites around and a virtual necessity for those who want to make friends through an online community or find old friends with whom they have lost contact. It has become one of the first places many Internet users turn when they want to learn more about someone in particular or make new friends.

A few years ago the term, “Google it” became synonymous for the practice of using a search engine to find more information about a particular person or subject. Internet users were using the term “Google it” even when they were using different search engines because the name Google had been branded so well it became somewhat of a generic term for search engine. MySpace is well on its way to becoming the brand synonymous with online communities. Although there are other websites which offer similar services, MySpace is quickly becoming the most dominant one.

Who is On MySpace?

The answer to this question is just about everyone. While this answer is not nearly true it is also very appropriate. It is not nearly true because in terms of factual evidence, despite the large number of MySpace members, there are still many more people in the world who do not participate in the MySpace online community. However, an answer of everyone to this question is also fitting because individuals from different cultures around the world and different age groups are all using MySpace.

Unlike online message boards and discussion forums where members are usually somewhat similar and share a particular interest, there are members who are vastly different in the MySpace community. MySpace members represent just about all nationalities, sexual orientations, financial levels, occupations, political beliefs, religions and other variables. While it is true that members who are vastly different may not be interacting to a tremendous extent on MySpace there is certainly representation from all walks of life on MySpace.

MySpace Lurkers

We have already discussed the extent of members on MySpace but the MySpace community is really much larger than the membership of the website. It is important to note that members’ websites are viewable to the public unless they are specifically designated as private websites. This means many members’ websites can be viewed by those who do not join MySpace. These individuals are known as lurkers and they effectively increase the size of the community by an immeasurable number.

Lurkers may be completely harmless individuals who are just looking to read about others but who have no interest in sharing their own personal information or they can be predators. The latter is more serious because these lurkers can use the information they find on MySpace to stalk or otherwise harass members of their own community. Many members of MySpace include both pictures and their hometown on their MySpace profile. This information can be used, by unscrupulous predators, to gather more information about the individual. For this reason care should always be used when posting information on MySpace.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Operating A Backhoe Safely

A skid steer loader with backhoe attachment or a backhoe
loader in general can be very productive if it is
operated safely and efficiently. The best way to
get the job done safely and efficiently is to know
yourself, the job site, and your equipment.

Even though the models of backhoes will vary, there
are safety features with all of them that include
steps and grab handles for getting on and off of
the machine. Backhoes also feature frame lock levers
and attaching levers to keep the backhoe securely
fastened to the loader frame during operation as well
as transporting.

In addition to these standard safety features, there
are some backhoes that provide a safety chain. The
safety chain will prevent the backhoe mounting
frame from rotating backwards and unexpectedly
trapping the operator, which can result in serious
injury or death. Therefore, it is always important
to know and check all of the mounting and attachment
points and the safety chain before you operate the

If you've attached the backhoe to the loader, you
should take a moment to inspect it and perform any
necessary maintenance. Check for broken or
damaged parts, also making sure to check for leaks,
cracks, excessive wear, and check the control

The warning and safety signs and instructional
decals are very important and will help you to
avoid injury. You should always take them seriously
and replace any damaged or missing decals.

Every 8 hours or so, you should grease all of the
zerk fittings, and check the hydraulic fluid
and oil and a daily basis. If the fluid is low,
the backhoe will not operate. Therefore, you
should always take the time to check your machine.

Anytime you have to leave the operator seat of the
backhoe, you should lower the bucket or attachment
to the ground, turn the engine off, remove the
ignition key, then exit the machine.

When the time comes to drive to the next job site,
you should always make sure that you have fully
raised both the front and rear stabilizers and
make sure you've put the backhoe seat into the
"down" position for better visibility. Before
you drive off, make sure that you've installed the
transport locking pin.

Here are some other things to keep in mind:
- Always select the right size bucket for
the job.
- Stake out the work area that is going to
be excavated and use flags to mark the area.
- Never work in areas that have inadequate
overhead clearances.

Always make sure that you keep bystanders or other
workers out of the swing area. If anyone gets in
the way of the boom swinging, they can very easily
get injured. The machine has no feelings,
therefore you should always be aware of who is
around you and where they are standing.


(word count 469) 相关的主题文章:

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Another way that you could sell the e-book is through an online auction website. On any given day, most online auction websites have over one million products listed. There is always a chance that your e-book could get lost in those items, but the chances are slim. On most occasions, your e-book will get purchased or it will at least get the exposure needed to generate interest.

All business opportunities, including the buying and selling of e-books, takes time to generate revenue. If you do not automatically see the results that you were looking for, with private label e-book resell rights, you are encouraged to give it time With that being said, you can still do whatever you wish, which may include moving on to another business opportunity.


Word Count 697

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

coach Signs You Would Make a Great Thanksgiving Party Host Do you have any plans this coming Thanksg

Signs You Would Make a Great Thanksgiving Party Host

Do you have any plans this coming Thanksgiving? If not, have you thought about hosting a Thanksgiving party for you, your family, your close friends, or your close neighbors? While a large number of individuals wish to host a Thanksgiving party, many end up choosing not to. One of the reasons for that is because many individuals do not think that they have a reason to host a Thanksgiving party or that they would make a good party host. If you assume this about yourself, you may be wrong. Before automatically writing off a Thanksgiving party, it is advised that you review the most common signs; signs that you may make a great Thanksgiving party host.

Perhaps, the biggest sign that you should host a Thanksgiving party is if you love the holidays. While we all tend to enjoy the holiday season, including Thanksgiving, there are some of us, who enjoy it more than others. If you are one of those individuals a Thanksgiving party may be the perfect way to spend your holiday. Being the host of a Thanksgiving party will allow you to share your love for the holidays with your friend and family.

Another sign that you should throw a Thanksgiving party is if you like to plan parties. When it comes to hosting a party, even a Thanksgiving party, a lot of planning and preparation is needed. Despite all of the planning and preparation, there are just some individuals who love to plan parties. In fact, there are a many men and women who actually make a career out of their love for parties. If you find it exciting to plan a Thanksgiving party, despite all of the work that it may entail, you may be the perfect candidate for a Thanksgiving party host.

In addition to your love for planning a party, there is also a chance that you may want to show off your party planning skills. While some are afraid to admit the need to show their friends or family what they are made of, you shouldn�t be; it is a completely normal feeling. That is why there is a good chance that you want all of your friends, family member, co-workers, neighbors, or anyone else that you invite to your Thanksgiving party to see just how good of a job you can do. For that reason, if not only enjoy planning and hosting parties, but you also want to show those that you know how good you are at doing so, you may be the perfect candidate for a Thanksgiving party host.

Another one of the many sings that you should host a Thanksgiving party is if you have friends or other family members that may not be doing anything for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving is often associated with fun times and family dinners, but there are some individuals who do not always get to see their family on Thanksgiving. Whether you, yourself, or your friends have relatives that recently passed away or moved from the area, a Thanksgiving party may be the best way to spend the holiday. Therefore, if you, yourself, don�t want to be alone for the holidays or if you don�t want those that you know to be alone, you may seriously want to consider hosting a Thanksgiving party.

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“The Flemish,” said the angry maiden, whose headstrong passion led her to speak first in answer to the last insult offered, “is no jargon like your piebald English, half Norman, half Saxon, but a noble Gothic tongue, spoken by the brave warriors who fought against the Roman Kaisars, when Britain bent the neck to them — and as for this he has said of Wilkin Flammock,” she continued, collecting her ideas into more order as she went on, “believe it not, my dearest lady; but, as you value the honour of your own noble father, confide, as in the Evangelists, in the honesty of mine!” This she spoke with an imploring tone of voice, mingled with sobs, as if her heart had been breaking.
Eveline endeavoured to soothe her attendant. “Rose,” she said, “in this evil time suspicions will light on the best men, and misunderstandings will arise among the best friends.— Let us hear the good father state what he hath to charge upon your parent. Fear not but that Wilkin shall be heard in his defence. Thou wert wont to be quiet and reasonable.”
“I am neither quiet nor reasonable on this matter,” said Rose, with redoubled indignation; “and it is ill of you, lady, to listen to the falsehoods of that reverend mummer, who is neither true priest nor true soldier. But I will fetch one who shall confront him either in casque or cowl.” So saying, she went hastily out of the chapel, while the monk, after some pedantic circumlocution, acquainted the Lady Eveline with what he had overheard betwixt Jorworth and Wilkin; and proposed to her to draw together the few English who were in the castle, and take possession of the innermost square tower; a keep which, as usual in Gothic fortresses of the Norman period, was situated so as to make considerable defence, even after the exterior works of the castle, which it commanded, were in the hand of the enemy.
“Father,” said Eveline, still confident in the vision she had lately witnessed, “this were good counsel in extremity; but otherwise, it were to create the very evil we fear, by seating our garrison at odds amongst themselves. I have a strong, and not unwarranted confidence, good father, in our blessed Lady of the Garde Doloureuse, that we shall attain at once vengeance on our barbarous enemies, and escape from our present jeopardy; and I call you to witness the vow I have made, that to him whom Our Lady should employ to work us succour, I will refuse nothing, were it my father’s inheritance, or the hand of his daughter.”
“Ave Maria! Ave Regina Coeli! ” said the priest; “on a rock more sure you could not have founded your trust.— But, daughter,” he continued after the proper ejaculation had been made, “have you never heard, even by a hint, that there was a treaty for your hand betwixt our much honoured lord, of whom we are cruelly bereft, (may God assoilzie his soul!) and the great house of Lacy?”
“Something I may have heard,” said Eveline, dropping her eyes, while a slight tinge suffused her cheek; “but I refer me to the disposal of our Lady of Succour and Consolation.”
As she spoke, Rose entered the chapel with the same vivacity she had shown in leaving it, leading by the hand her father, whose sluggish though firm step, vacant countenance, and heavy demeanour, formed the strongest contrast to the rapidity of her motions, and the anxious animation of her address. Her task of dragging him forward might have reminded the spectator of some of those ancient monuments, on which a small cherub, singularly inadequate to the task, is often represented as hoisting upward towards the empyrean the fleshy bulk of some ponderous tenant of the tomb, whose disproportioned weight bids fair to render ineffectual the benevolent and spirited exertions of its fluttering guide and assistant.

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Cigars 101: An Overview of Cigars

Cigars have long been associated with the rich and powerful, with relaxation and rich flavor. Cigar aficionados have created a culture around the art of smoking, assembling various theories and accessories to debate and facilitate smoking. Much like wine tasting, cigar smoking has been seen as a diversion of the upper echelons of society.

It is believed that cigars were probably first produced in Spain, and then quickly caught on in other European countries. Although many different countries manufacture cigars, Cuban cigars have long been highly regarded as one of the most flavorful and rich of all cigars. This is due to regional microclimates that are said to produce the highest quality tobacco, as well as the skill of the country's cigar makers. Other countries that produce significant amounts of tobacco and cigars include Brazil, Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador, Cameroon, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and the United States. Why have cigars long caught the attention of so many? Many speculate that the cigar's main attraction is in the way it is manufactured. High quality cigars are always wrapped by hand. Unlike cigarettes, cigars undergo a lengthy process of fermentation and aging (much like wine), resulting in subtle flavors and textures. They are highly individual and the best cigars will provide no smoky aftertaste at all.

The taste of cigars is much more complex than cigarettes. The majority of all cigars are created by wrapping three different layers of tobacco leaves together. High quality cigars usually contain long leaves of nicotine as the filler, although they may also contain a combination of scraps. This results in subtle variations, different textures, and complex flavors. Cigarettes, on the other hand, are mass-produced and generally only contain one type of tobacco. Cigars also come in an incredible variety of flavors. The dedicated cigar aficionado can find chocolate, vanilla, apple, and even coffee-flavored cigars!

Although cigars have long been lauded for their smooth and complex flavors, they can also pose a great health risk. All tobacco contains nicotine. We've all heard about the negative health risks of nicotine, but what does it do exactly? Nicotine is a stimulant that produces a sense of euphoria. Even the casual smoker cannot escape the fact that nicotine is highly addictive and contains various toxins, carcinogens, and irritants. Although most connoisseurs of cigars will avoid inhaling the smoke, they are still at risk of developing various types of oral and larynx cancers.



Discount Louis Vuitton If you've been thinking about changing your career

If you've been thinking about changing your career, you should not allow anyone tell you that it's too late to become what you have always been wanting: a painter or an artist. Numerous painters spent several years working as something else, and then became artists. Even if you just want to optimize your painting abilities, taking some painting classes is a good idea. Oil painting lessons will teach you how to work with oil and produce gripping paintings.

If you opt for oil painting lessons you will need some art materials. There are many different types of oil paints available within the pertinent art shops, therefore you will need to buy what suits your case the best. There are Artist Quality Oil Paints, artisan oil paints and student quality paints, which are probably the ones you should buy in the beginning. You will also need to buy oil painting brushes and mixing palettes.

Oil painting lessons will teach you more things than you might think of; they will teach you how to paint with oil, but they will also introduce you to the several different modifiers that can change the behavior of oil. Oil painting mediums are not a matter of requirement, but of taste and can be an excellent way to enhance your painting and differentiate your style. Some artists swear by original oil, while others by certain mediums.

if you attend oil painting lessons you will also learn a lot about painting frames. You probably have never thought about the crucial role of frames but in fact they are one more way to personalize not only the art piece but the room as well: frames exist in all kinds and types, in an abundance of colors, materials, sizes and shapes : wooden frames in mahogany, oak or cherry wood, ceramic, metal, glass, even marble and granite stone frames are available, making your choice both hard and easy at the same time.

It is extremely important to evaluate the painting you have in order to choose the right frame : an antique piece of art usually needs an antique heavy wooden frame to compliment its value and style, while landscapes usually go very well with etched frames or some elegant once that enhance the subject's beauty and originality.

Portraits and watercolors can be set off and elevated in a somber metal frame with fine finishes and border.

In order to choose the perfect frame, you need to decide in advance where you will mount the painting and what the surroundings are: a lounge has by default different character from a bedroom, and the rest of furniture and wall colors can play a decisive role in your choice.

The painting frame should fit and suit in the room and space where you intend to hang it, otherwise it might be create an indifferent and dull aesthetic result.

Choosing the right painting frame can be in fact very tedious, thus it's a very good idea to take a look online and choose among a rich variety of materials, colors and types. After all framing Art pieces is an art itself and is something you will also learn during your oil painting lessons.

Discount Louis Vuitton Worst Corporate Gift Idea The worst wedding gift of all time may be toasters

Worst Corporate Gift Idea

The worst wedding gift of all time may be toasters. You know that very well, right? But what is the worst corporate gift? Don抰 know the answer? Well, you may need to read on this article so that you would save yourself from shame and save the recipient from curl eyebrows.

The useless item. Clueless on the interest of your boss or your client (suppose the recipient is a male), you head on several stores featuring "items that men like." After several minutes you finally grab the best item you could ever find: the most expensive boxing gloves! Guess what? Your boss hates the sport.

Instructional tapes and videos. Even if you know that the recipient of the gift is a big fan of Yoga or Pilates or any exercise you see on instructional tapes and videos, it is not advisable to give him or her such gifts. Why? You are not sure that that tapes you are giving is not on his collection. He or she may thank you but you are just wasting your money.

Items "seen on TV!" Ah! Yes, you have seen the George Foreman Grill or the Magic Chef and you want to give one to your client or boss. But what if he hates boxing and grilling, and sports and cooking in general? What if he has already a George Foreman Grill or the Magic Chef? It is easy to call those numbers on your screen but it is hard to tell if the recipient has it or not... or will love it or not.

As cheap a rock. A $5 dollar bill may take you somewhere but it will not certainly provide you much of a choice when thinking of corporate gift. Sure, you may get something out of it but would you think the recipient would be happy for it?

Apparel. Unless it is a $100 necktie, you might as well find something else. A coat could cost to too much. Yes, you may want to impress the recipient, but do you know exactly his size? Do you think the recipient will wear it? Do you really know that he likes the color or the type of clothing you will give? There is no problem with giving apparel or clothing; that is if you live with the recipient. But since it is a corporate gift, it is kind of awkward site when your boss wears a coat or a sweater you give. A necktie would be okay since it can be discreetly hidden under his coat but still it is a risk you have to take. Better yet, give a gift certificate or gift voucher.

Langerie. Lingerie? As a corporate gift? Okay, you are single and she (your client or your co-worker) is single as well� You are so temped to buy her lingerie... Stop right there because you can put yourself in deep trouble if you continue. Have you ever heard about the term, "harassment?" Be careful.

Handmade gift. So you want your gift to have your personal touch? Or you want to save some money with the gift you will give? Whether you are super talented or have all the time in the world to make the gift on your own, it is never advisable to do it. Why? Two reasons: One, you will end up spending too much on materials and tools than by buying a ready-made on the store, and two, you will end up giving up your sleep in exchange to finishing the gift.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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Compact Excavator

The compact hydraulic excavator can be a tracked or
wheeled vehicle with an approximate operating weight
of 13,300 pounds. Normally, it includes a standard
backfill blade and features an independent boom
swing. The compact hydraulic excavator is also
known as a mini excavator.

A compact hydraulic excavator is different from other
types of heavy machinery in the sense that all
movement and functions of the machine are accomplished
through the transfer of hydraulic fluid. The work
group and blade are activated by hydraulic fluid
acting upon hydraulic cylinders. The rotation and
travel functions are also activated by hydraulic
fluid powering hydraulic motors.

Most types of compact hydraulic excavators have
three assemblies - house, undercarriage, and the
work group.

The house structure contains the compartment for
the operator, engine compartment, hydraulic pump
and also the distribution components. The house
structure is attached to the top of the undercarriage
via swing bearing. Along with the work group, the
house is able to rotate upon the undercarriage
without limit due to a hydraulic distribution valve
that supplies oil to the undercarriage components.

The undercarriage of compact excavators consists of
rubber or steel tracks, drive sprockets, rollers,
idlers, and associated components and structures.
The undercarriage is also home to the house
structure and the work group.

Work group
The work group consists of the boom, dipper or
arm, and attachment. It is connected to the front
of the house structure via a swinging frame that
allows the work group to be hydraulically pivoted
left or right in order to achieve offset digging
for trenching parallel with the tracks.

Independent boom swing
The purpose of the boom swing is for offset
digging around obstacles or along foundations,
walls, and forms. Another use is for cycling in
areas that are too narrow for cab rotation. Another
major advantage of the compact excavator is the
independent boom swing.

Backfill blade
The backfill blade on compact excavators are used
for grading, leveling, backfilling, trenching,
and general dozer work. The blade can also be
used to increase the dumping height and digging
depth depending on it's position in relation to
the workgroup.

The most common place you'll find compact excavators
is in residential dwellings. When digging phone
lines or other things, these pieces of equipment
are very common for getting between houses. Due
to their small size, they can fit almost anywhere.

Over the years, the capabilities for compact
excavators have expanded far beyond the tasks of
excavation. With hydraulic powered attachments
such as breakers, clamps, compactors and augers,
the compact excavator is used with many other
applications and serves as an effective attachment
tool as well. Serving many purposes, the compact
excavator is a great addition to any job that
requires the use of machinery.


(word count 458) 相关的主题文章:

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Entertainment RSS Delivered Straight Into Your Homes

RSS which stands for really simple syndication is a format that is associated with the XML family of file formatting. It functions by continuously running through the websites to scan for updates. It then sends these updates to all of the people who are subscribed to these websites using a feed. This is used most often in web syndication.

To be able to use an RSS feed, you need to have an aggregator, also known as a feed reader. These aggregators are available widely online, so it won't be that hard to scour the net to find the one that you're looking for. There are a variety of aggregators to choose from. Best of all is that you can download them for free.

RSS feeds are often used in blogs, news, and entertainment websites. Anything that relays information to subscribers, and is often updated. These updates are then sent to all of the subscribers of these sites that carry RRS feeds. The updates are summarized, so you'd have an idea what stories they are referring to. If you are interested in the information it's relaying, you can then click on the text to get the longer version of the text.

The great thing about RSS feeds, is that you can also read them through your cell phones, and they come in PDAs.

Most entertainment websites carry RSS feeds such as BBC, Reuters, Boston Globe, CNN, etc. Music reviews, game news, interviews, movie stories, are also put into RSS feeds. This makes it a lot easier for fans to follow stories about their favorite movie stars, sports heroes, latest gaming news, etc. It is offered to you unadulterated, and free from annoying spam that clutters your emails.

A lot of businesses also use RSS feeds to reach their customers. This allows them to directly relay information, uncorrupted, and instantaneously. As soon as you download an RSS feed, you receive the information right away.

Entertainment RSS is an all in one stop. You don't have to click from website to website to get the news that you're after. Entertainment websites that carry RSS offer you the news that you need, automatically as soon as they're updated. This saves you the time and the trouble of having to scour the net for the information that you're looking for.

It is easy to subscribe to entertainment RSS feed, just click the button that indicates the RSS feed. You usually have to copy the URL into your aggregator, but some RSS feeds automatically download into your reader. You can unsubscribe to an RSS feed anytime.

There are some search engines that allow you to search information contained through RSS feeds. There are also feed directories that categorize RSS feeds by order of interest. This makes it easier for people to locate all of the information contained in RSS on any available topics online.

Local news can also be found via RSS. So now instead of tuning into your TV sets to get the latest headlines, updates, and sporting news, you can subscribe to an RSS feed. This way, you get all of your news at once. This allows you to control the way you receive information, and enables you to receive news at your own free time.

The great thing about this is that readers can read the headlines and summary, and then can choose which stories they want to follow. This gives the reader control over the content of the information they are receiving. This way, they are not bombarded by numerous advertisements and countless useless information that they don't have any use for.

Individuals who have blogs with syndicated content can submit the syndicated versions of their blogs to RSS feed directories. This way, blog enthusiasts can have access to their RSS feeds.

Feedster is one of the most popular search engines. You can use this search engine to find numerous entertainment articles, stories, reviews, using an RSS feed. The great thing about RSS feeds, is that you're always updated with the latest news and happenings.

RSS feeds is revolutionizing the way information consumers get their content. Instead of being bombarded with a plethora of useless information, the consumers now can select & reject the material that goes into their consciousness.


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Mr. Perfect Does Not Exist!

The sooner you realize this sad but true fact, the sooner you can get on with finding Mr. Close-Enough-To-Perfect. Prince Charming, riding on a white stallion, lost his way or found Princess Charming and got married on his way to your castle. Get over it and get on with it. You ARE going to have to actively seek the man of your dreams and you won’t find him hiding under your bed. You already know that he isn’t among the men that you are acquainted with so, now what? Online dating is “what”.

It’s true that online dating, while in its infancy, was only made up of perverts, sexual predators, nerds and weirdoes but that is no longer true. It has become the main tool of the single person in every developed country in the world. Forty million people can’t all be wrong. Ask your girl friends if they have ever used online dating or are using it now. If they are honest with you, most of them have or are now members of at least one online dating site and maybe more than one. It really is the way to go to meet eligible men who want to meet you. It doesn’t matter what any of your numbers are…like age, height, weight or income either. Somewhere out there in the big wide world there is a man who will like you…..then love you….and think that you are beautiful and desirable. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is true. What is considered beautiful in one part of the world is completely different from what is considered beautiful in another part of the world. It’s even different from one part of this country to another.

Find an online dating site that fits your needs. Write a great profile and post a flattering picture. Start contacting eligible men on the site. Mr. Close-enough-to-perfect could be a few mouse clicks away.

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(Words: 325)


Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Using PayPal on eBay.

PayPal and eBay were made for each other - and now that eBay own PayPal, using them together is getting even easier.

What is PayPal?

People with PayPal accounts can send money to each other securely online. You can deposit money in a PayPal account from a bank account or a credit card, and withdraw money to your bank account. It is the most common way of paying on eBay, as well as being in widespread use on the rest of the Internet.

Opening a PayPal Account.

It's very easy to get a PayPal account. Just go to www.paypal.com and click the 'Sign Up' link. As a buyer, you should get a Personal account - you can always upgrade later if you decide to start selling. Then all you need to do is enter your address, phone number and email address, and create a password, and two secret questions. You'll be emailed a confirmation, and then you're done!

If you want to deposit money into the account now, then you need to register a credit or debit card or your bank details, and if you want to withdraw money then you need to register your bank details. There's no need to do anything like that just yet, though.

Paying with PayPal.

Paying with PayPal is very simple. When you win an auction and click 'Pay Now', you'll be given a list of payment methods the seller accepts. You should always check what the seller accepts before you bid, as there are still some sellers who won't take PayPal. If the seller does accept PayPal, it will already be chosen for you on the payment page.

Now you just need to press 'Next', type in your PayPal username and password and confirm the amount you want to pay. The first time you pay with PayPal you will need to enter the details of your card or bank account, but after that it will remember for you.

Becoming Verified.

You might have noticed that there is a limit to how much money you can send or withdraw using PayPal before you need to be verified. Verification has two steps. First, PayPal deposit some very small amounts of money in your bank account and you need to tell them how much they deposited. Second, they need to phone you to confirm your address and phone number. Once you've done that, all the limits on your account will be lifted. Log in at paypal.com and click on 'Get Verified' for more information.

While you've been paying for your items, what you might not have realised is that eBay occasionally offers money off coupons. But where do you get them? The next email tells you all about it.

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The total was one hundred and thirty francs. Duroy glanced at the bill and when it was settled, whispered: “How much shall I give the waiter?”
“Whatever you like; I do not know.”
He laid five francs upon the plate and handed the purse to its owner, saying: “Shall I escort you home?”
“Certainly; I am unable to find the house.”
They shook hands with the Forestiers and were soon rolling along in a cab side by side. Duroy could think of nothing to say; he felt impelled to clasp her in his arms. “If I should dare, what would she do?” thought he. The recollection of their conversation at dinner emboldened, but the fear of scandal restrained him. Mme. de Marelle reclined silently in her corner. He would have thought her asleep, had he not seen her eyes glisten whenever a ray of light penetrated the dark recesses of the carriage. Of what was she thinking? Suddenly she moved her foot, nervously, impatiently. That movement caused him to tremble, and turning quickly, he cast himself upon her, seeking her lips with his. She uttered a cry, attempted to repulse him and then yielded to his caresses as if she had not the strength to resist.
The carriage stopped at her door, but she did not rise; she did not move, stunned by what had just taken place. Fearing that the cabman would mistrust something, Duroy alighted from the cab first and offered his hand to the young woman. Finally she got out, but in silence. Georges rang the bell, and when the door was opened, he asked timidly: “When shall I see you again?”
She whispered so low that he could barely hear her: “Come and lunch with me to-morrow.” With those words she disappeared.
Duroy gave the cabman a five-franc piece, and turned away with a triumphant, joyful air. He had at last conquered a married woman! A woman of the world! A Parisian! How easy it had been!
He was somewhat nervous the following day as he ascended Mme. de Marelle’s staircase. How would she receive him? Suppose she forbade him to enter her house? If she had told — but no, she could not tell anything without telling the whole truth! He was master of the situation!
The little maid-servant opened the door. She was as pleasant as usual. Duroy felt reassured and asked: “Is Madame well?”
“Yes, sir; as well as she always is,” was the reply, and he was ushered into the salon. He walked to the mantelpiece to see what kind of an appearance he presented: he was readjusting his cravat when he saw in the mirror the young woman standing on the threshold looking at him. He pretended not to have seen her, and for several moments they gazed at one another in the mirror. Then he turned. She had not moved; she seemed to be waiting. He rushed toward her crying: “How I love you!” He clasped her to his breast. He thought: “It is easier than I thought it would be. All is well.” He looked at her with a smile, without uttering a word, trying to put into his glance a wealth of love. She too smiled and murmured: “We are alone. I sent Laurine to lunch with a friend.”
He sighed, and kissing her wrists said: “Thanks; I adore you.” She took his arm as if he had been her husband, and led him to a couch, upon which they seated themselves side by side. Duroy stammered, incoherently: “You do not care for me.”

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A little one having a tantrum often is very difficult to deal with because it makes it tricky for parents to temper their personal anger or embarrassment. Dealing with tantrums can actually become a thing you know how to stop at the moment and in the long run. To accomplish this, you need to observe 10 essential steps.

Here they are:

1. Be relaxed. You should not feed your little one's frustration.

2. Never give in. Never. You said no, it is no.

3. Anticipate ! You should not go out with your little one if he is tired or hungry. Ensure that he eats and sleeps before, and then go out. There is always a reason to a tantrum.

4. If the cause is frustration, tell him you understand. Express compassion and provide an alternative. It's this or nothing. Dealing with tantrums the best way demands that you are firm but compassionate.

5. At the beginning of the tantrum, attempt to distract your kid by showing him something, propose to do something different. Just make your child focus on something else. You need to react quickly.

6. Many times, a tantrum happens when a child needs more attention and cuddling. Try to take him in your arms, reassure him, it will calm him. Your presence and cuddles can help him stop and be aware you're not against him even when you say no.

7. A little while after the tantrum, before going to bed or during a quiet moment, speak about the tantrum that happened with your kid. Let him express what he felt, be sure he understands you don't admit such behaviour but that you love him.

8. Dealing with tantrums is also about rewarding a good behaviour. Your kid will easily comprehend he will gain nothing from tantrums.

9. In case that the tantrum happens in a public place, leave that place with your kid. He needs to understand all the implications his behaviour brings.

10. Allow him the right to have feelings such as anger and frustration, be sure to tell him you feel such feelings too but you express them with words and choose to talk as an alternative to throwing tantrums. Be sure to tell him he can do the same.

Dealing with tantrums is about emotional self control first and examples to help your kid make the choice of a good behavior and once and for all stop tantrums. When tantrums already are a really deep habit in your kid, a parenting guide can help dealing with this and getting rid of all the other issues that might be the reason of persistent tantrums. The link in my bio might help you, it's a web site I built with some parents where we evaluate parenting methods that worked for us. It's not too late!


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A lot of singers pride their selves on their singing technique, beautiful voice and the ability to sing at various pitches and notes. Many newly singers who do not yet grasped the techniques of pitch and vocal range frequently asked the questions how to sing higher and how to sing louder. It is something that lots of vocalists and singers want to know.

There are various unproven methods that were tried by many people, which proved unsuccessful. But there are techniques you can use to learn how to sing louder and singer, which seem easy.

Connect your voice with its upper registers, which can be done through keeping the vocal cords from coming apart. Hold them together and then shorten the length. Shortening the cords can be achieved through practicing. After doing this, your upper vocal range comes together and you can learn how to sing higher than before.
It is important that when you wish to sing higher and shorten your vocal cords, you do the right vocal exercise. It will produce a reaction in your voice. This exercise automatically teaches your voice to move to the upper range and sign the notes higher. It will free your voice and suddenly you will notice a new type of tension comes out in your voice when you sing.

In singing louder, it does not mean that you need to make your voice hard for you to be heard. Having high volume and intensity means that you project your singing voice while you maintain the musicality. Intensity and high volume can be obtained through focusing the breath on the notes but not pushing too hard. Imagining your self projecting from the diaphragm may help. The technique to learn in how to sing louder is in the breath support. Place your hand on your abdomen for you to become aware of your breathing. Then breathe down from your diaphragm.

It is also necessary to learn controlling the speed in which you let your breath out. You need to increase your air speed for higher notes and decrease your speed for lower notes. Every frequency needs particular air speed to produce the best tone. A lot of singers push much air quickly when singing in an effort to make the note louder. But this only adds tension and stress to the tone. You can use your ears to tell you when the right balance is obtained. The tone should be pure and clear before you add stylistic nuances.

Dynamics is the art of lowering and raising your voice's volume to add expression and texture to the sound. This is called color. You can notice that in the popular styles, singers sing loud with high notes and soft with low notes.

Singing note at its lower point and slowly raising the voice until it reaches its peak is a good exercise that can help you sing louder without damaging your voice. Hold there as long as you can before you sing the note back down to the lowest point. With such exercise, you can sing with improved dynamics and increased volume.

Remember that having the appropriate practicing and instruction helps you to get your singing voice in shape and learn how to sing higher and how to sing louder.
