Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton Wording For Wedding Invitations_13275

For many couples there is some confusion over how their wedding invitations should be worded. Traditionally invitations would be sent from the brides parents and as such would have the bride抯 parents as hosts. Today however, couples are often hosting their own wedding which can lead to a dilemma over how the invitations should be written.

Traditional wedding etiquette in regard to invitations says they should be worded like this:

Mr & Mrs John Davis request the pleasure of your company (or insert name of guest/s here if you haven't written it in the top left hand corner of the invite)
at the marriage of their daughter Jennifer
Mr Mark Jones
The Village Church
On 5th August 2009
And afterwards at
The Village Hall

However, if the couple are hosting the wedding then the wedding invitations should read as follows:

Miss Jennifer Davis & Mr Mark Jones request the pleasure of............at their marriage
The Village Church
On 5th August 2009
And afterwards at
The Village Hall

If divorced parents are the hosts:
Mr John Davis & Mrs Liz Davis request the pleasure of...........at the marriage of their daughter Jennifer
The Village Church
On 5th August 2009
And afterwards at
The Village Hall
For a remarried mother or father as host:
Mr & Mrs Paul Morgan/ Mr & Mrs John Davis request the pleasure of............
At the marriage of her/his daughter Jennifer
The Village Church
On 5th August 2009
And afterwards at
The Village Hall
For a widowed mother as host:
Mrs John Davis requests the pleasure of.......... at the marriage of her daughter Jennifer
The Village Church
On 5th August 2009
And afterwards at
The Village Hall


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