Sunday, December 2, 2012

  If you can bear to do it

  "If you can bear to do it," he answered, with an apologetic look,evidently troubled at receiving such services from her.

  Yet as her hands moved gently about his face, he shut his eyes, andthere was a little quiver of the lips now and then, as if he wasremembering a time when he had hoped to have her near him in atenderer capacity than that of nurse. She guessed the thought, andtried to banish it by saying cheerfully as she finished:

  "There, you look more like yourself after that. Now the hands.""Fortunately for you, there is but one," and he rather reluctantlysurrendered a very dirty member.

  "Forgive me, I forgot. It is a brave hand, and I am proud to washit!""How do you know that?" he asked, surprised at her little burst ofenthusiasm, for as she spoke she pressed the grimy hand in both herown.

  "While I was recovering you from your faint, that man over thereinformed me that you were his Colonel; that you 'fit like a tiger,'

  and when your right arm was disabled, you took your sword in theleft and cheered them on as if you 'were bound to beat the wholerebel army.'""That's Drake's story," and Mr. Fletcher tried to give the oldshrug, but gave an irrepressible groan instead, then endeavored tocover it, by saying in a careless tone, "I thought I might get alittle excitement out of it, so I went soldiering like all the restof you. I'm not good for much, but I can lead the way for the bravefellows who do the work. Officers make good targets, and a rebelbullet would cause no sorrow in taking me out of the world.""Don't say that! I should grieve sincerely; and yet I'm very gladyou came, for it will always be a satisfaction to you in spite ofyour great loss,link.""There are greater losses than right arms," muttered Mr. Fletchergloomily, then checked himself, and added with a pleasant change invoice and face, as he glanced at the wedding-ring she wore:

  "This is not exactly the place for congratulations, but I can't helpoffering mine; for if I'm not mistaken your left hand also has growndoubly precious since we met?"Christie had been wondering if he knew, and was much relieved tofind he took it so well. Her face said more than her words,nike shox torch ii, as sheanswered briefly:

  "Thank you. Yes, we were married the day David left, and have bothbeen in the ranks ever since.""Not wounded yet? your husband, I mean," he said, getting over thehard words bravely.

  "Three times, but not badly. I think a special angel stands beforehim with a shield;" and Christie smiled as she spoke.

  "I think a special angel stands behind him with prayers that availmuch," added Mr. Fletcher, looking up at her with an expression ofreverence that touched her heart.

  "Now I must go to my work, and you to sleep: you need all the restyou can get before you have to knock about in the ambulances again,"she said, marking the feverish color in his face, and knowing wellthat excitement was his only strength.

  "How can I sleep in such an Inferno as this,fake uggs for sale?""Try, you are so weak,fake uggs online store, you'll soon drop off;" and, laying the cooltips of her fingers on his eyelids, she kept them shut till heyielded with a long sigh of mingled weariness and pleasure, and wasasleep before he knew it.

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