Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Subtle Knife濂ョ鍖曢_046

sil skulls from a friend at the museum and tested them to see how far back in time the effect went. There was a cutoff point about thirty,chanel, forty thousand years ago. Before that, no Shadows. After that, plenty. And that's about the time, apparently, that modern human beings first appeared. I mean, you know, our remote ancestors, but people no different from us, really…"
"It's Dust," said Lyra authoritatively. "That's what it is."
"But, you see, you can't say this sort of thing in a funding application if you want to be taken seriously. It does not make sense. It cannot exist. It's impossible, and if it isn't impossible, it's irrelevant, and if it isn't either of those things, it's embarrassing."
"I want to see the Cave," said Lyra.
She stood up.
Dr. Malone was running her hands through her hair and blinking hard to keep her tired eyes clear,replica chanel bags.
"Well,fake rolex watches, I can't see why not," she said. "We might not have a Cave tomorrow. Come along through."
She led Lyra into the other room. It was larger, and crowded with anbaric equipment.
"This is it,cheap foamposites. Over there," she said, pointing to a screen that was glowing an empty gray. "That's where the detector is, behind all that wiring. To see the Shadows, you have to be linked up to some electrodes. Like for measuring brain waves."
"I want to try it," said Lyra.
"You won't see anything. Anyway, I'm tired. It's too complicated."
"Please! I know what I'm doing!"
"Do you, now? I wish I did. No, for heaven's sake. This is an expensive, difficult scientific experiment. You can't come charging in here and expect to have a go as if it were a pinball machine… Where do you come from, anyway? Shouldn't you be at school? How did you find your way in here?"
And she rubbed her eyes again, as if she was only just waking up.
Lyra was trembling. Tell the truth, she thought. "I found my way in with this," she said, and took out the alethiometer.
"What in the world is that? A compass?"
Lyra let her take it. Dr. Malone's eyes widened as she felt the weight.
"Dear Lord, it's made of gold.

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